Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Easi Speak Microphone

Although they are very small and look like toys, I have been very impressed by the Easi Speak microphones. I have been using them to record my students NCEA speech. The sound quality is extremely good and the teacher who moderates the speeches said that she could hear/ understand words that she had been unable to hear before.

Using Easi Speak is very easy. Last week-end I recorded myself reading some articles in French. After recording I just plugged the microphone onto my computer, dragged and dropped the MP3 from the microphone onto my desktop and bingo!!! It was done. Then I could put the sound on a wikispace, blog or as I did that time, I sent the mp3 to my students via email. I know my year 13 were very happy as they could listen to a true French article only a few weeks before the exams.

Until now I have been borrowing a microphone from another teacher at school, but as today I will use my own ! Today I received 2 new microphones!!! A very happy day..


  1. Hey, Don't forget where you got the microphone from. Anyone want one simon@breathetechnology.co.nz I'll hook you up, no worries. Good to here it's a success Flo. Look forward to catching up soon.

  2. This is top! Do you mind if I create a quick link to your post from the French.ac "Cool AND useful gadgets" page?

  3. We have been using them too especially with yr 9 & 10 students and they really enjoy being able to record their mini presentations and then upload them to the computer. I usually nominate one or two students to be my "tecchies" and they coordinate the uploading so that I am free to wander round and listen.

  4. Thank you Anne. I think you are right to use the help of your students. and these microphones are so easy to use !!!

  5. PS Have you discovered www.frenchteacher.net?
